Centralparks partners met in Visegrád

On 30th of September, after a long-awaited time filled with online discussions, Zoom presentations and workshops in the virtual realm, Centralparks partners were able to meet again physically in Visegrád, Hungary.

The partner meeting provided the possibility to revisit the past months of work, celebrate the successes and plan the last 6 months of the project.

The Centralparks team has shortly before been actively involved in the ConnectGREEN final conference, thanks to the strong and fruitful relations with the ConnectGREEN project and the Secretariat for the Carpathian Convention. The project team has looked back on the successful CNPA event organised one dy earlier, which has been a great meeting with a large number of presentations, as this event created the opportunity to have on board all the countries represented.

Partners reviewed the state of the art of the thematic work packages. In the previous months, Centralparks reached several milestones:

  • The Strategy for Enhancing Biodiversity and Landscape Conservation and the Strategy for LSTD have been submitted by SCC to CC Parties and presented by LP to the relevant CC Working Group.
  • Two pilot actions foreseen under the implementation activities of the aforementioned strategies were carried out in Poland. As well as the training for Polish PA managers on communication with local communities.
  • The LiDAR pilot action, the habitat mapping of Börzsöny Mountain and part of the forest fauna evaluation have been fully implemented thanks to the long research and field work carried out by Duna-Ipoly National Park.
  • The 2nd official round table of the CNPA SC has been organized and held online. A further CNPA conference has been organized in the framework of the ConnectGREEN final conference.
  • Centralparks main achievements have been presented during several online meetings and events in order to bring the contents of the project among its planned target groups.
  • The Carpathian Ecosystem Services Toolkit has been developed and being layouted in the upcoming months in English as well as Polish, Slovak, Czech and Hungarian.
  • A workshop for 50 stakeholders in Nová Lhota in Czechia took place, focusing on the Ecosystem Services Assessment and the Carpathian Ecosystem Services Toolkit
  • Centralparks has established a close cooperation with several other EU-funded projects, such as ConnectGREEN, SaveGREEN and BEECH POWER

The meeting was attended by Henk Zingstra from Eurosite, who expressed its interest in cooperating with Centralparks and the Carpathian Network of Protected Areas.

The Centralparks team is looking ahead to the last phase of the project with dedication and excitement, working side by side to contribute to the sustainable future of the Carpathian region.

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”

Henry Ford

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