Pilot implementation report of the Carpathian Strategy of biodiversity and landscape conservation surrounding Pieniny National Park published!

We are glad to share that the Pilot action completion report of the “Carpathian strategy for enhancing biodiversity and landscape conservation outside and inside protected areas” in areas adjacent to the Pieniny National Park (Poland) is newly available in Polish language on the national park´s website.

Pilot action completion report surrounding Pieniny National Park

The report summarises the implementation of the pilot action carried out under Centralparks. and presents, among others, recommendations resulting from the test implementation of the “Carpathian strategy for strengthening biodiversity conservation and landscape outside and inside protected areas” in areas adjacent to the Polish Pieniny National Park. The strategy and its implementation is part of the thematic 1st thematic work package “Integration of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development in the Carpathian region”.

The surroundings of the Pieniny National Park were selected due to the constantly increasing investment pressure on the areas located within the Park boundaries and its buffer zone. The Pieniny National Park administration hopes that the presented report will draw the attention of a broader audience on the importance of preventing further adverse effects of increasing development pressures on the national park, its external buffer zone, and surrounding areas within the four municipalities involved. Moreover, it’s publication is also intended to help mitigate threats to the ecological connectivity and landscape values of the Polish-Slovak transboundary Pieniny region.

The pilot action was coordinated by the Centralparks partner Ekopsychology Society, in cooperation with the management of the Pieniny National Park and with the support and involvement of the local governments of the four municipalities where the buffer zone of the national park was designated, i.e. the municipalities of Czorsztyn, Krościenko nad Dunajcem, Łapsze Niżne and Szczawnica.

This report will soon be available in English under ‘Our achieviements’.

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