Consultations on the draft local strategy for the Magura region

On 9th December 2021 the representatives of local municipality authorities and Magura National Park administration, other relevant local stakeholders, and Centralparks experts on sustainable tourism met again at the national park education and visitor centre in Krempna (Poland).

The objective of this additional meeting (not originally planned, but possible due to budget savings made during the previous project implementation phases) was to consult the first draft of the “Strategy for the sustainable development of tourism based on the natural and cultural wealth of Magura National Park and its surroundings” with the members of the local partnership formed under the Centralparks project, involving seven municipalities sharing the national park external buffer zone.

The first draft of this community strategy already accommodates feedback and inputs gathered during the series of 4 thematic workshops, carried out in the Magura region in October 2021. This local strategy shall duly include selected activities recommended under all three dimensions (environmental, economic, and social) and corresponding three strategic objectives (further divided into nine operational objectives) of the draft “Strategy for local sustainable tourism development based on natural and cultural heritage of the Carpathians”, elaborated in 2019-2020 under the Centralparks project (in support for the implementation of the 2011 Protocol on Sustainable Tourism), submitted on 10th June 2021 for its official endorsement to the Parties of the Carpathian Convention. 
The local strategy for the Magura region shall be finalized by the end of January 2022, which will allow its integration with the new local development strategies for the period 2022-2030, to be elaborated and adopted next year by the 7 municipalities surrounding the national park.

Consultations in Krempna were jointly organized by the Ekopsychology Society* and the administration of Magura National Park, in the frame of the pilot action aimed at testing the above Centralparks draft strategy at the local and regional level, according to one of the priorities of the current Polish Presidency of the Carpathian Convention.

* Centralparks project partner, leader of the thematic work package No 1 “Integration of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development in the Carpathian Region”.

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